Change the text on IISADMPWD Pages

Change the text on IISADMPWD Pages

You can easily change the text in IISADMPWD Replacement Tool pages. Simply edit the resource files containing the application’s text strings using the procedure below. This article applies to v2.2 and later.

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Navigate to the IISADMPWD Replacement Tool installation directory, typically at %Program Files%\WebActiveDirectory\IISADMPWDReplacementTool.
  3. Open each of the web application directories–IISChangePassword and IISCheckPasswordStatus–and navigate to the App_GlobalResources directory that contains the Views.resx file for each application
  4. Make a backup copy of the Views.resx file in case you need to restore it later.
  5. Open the Views.resx file using a text editor like Notepad or a tool like Visual Studio.
  6. Change the text you want to modify. Be careful not to modify anything else other than displayed text.
  7. Save the file
  8. Refresh the IISADMPWD Replacement Tool application you modified to test and make sure you like your changes.

Note that you can put other language files inside of this directory named “Views.{locale}.resx” that will display if the user’s browser locale is set to match the language/locale that you have included. In this way IISADMPWD Replacement Tool supports multiple languages on the fly depending on your user’s browser settings. Simply include the new resource file in the App_GlobalResources
directory and refresh/relaunch the application with the corresponding browser locale and the application will display in that language.

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