Create and Show an Organization Chart in PeopleUpdate or PeopleSearch

Create and Show an Organization Chart in PeopleUpdate or PeopleSearch

You might want to create a tab that has an organization chart starting with someone in your organization like the CEO, President, etc. Follow the procedure to create a new tab and set up the organizational chart by using the Org Nav in PeopleUpdate on the Details page. This process causes a Details page to load with pre-populated data for the user you want to display.

  1. Open the PeopleUpdate Admin Console in a web browser.
  2. Open a separate browser tab or instance and load the PeopleUpdate Search Console.
  3. Go to the Tabs page under Tab Configuration in the Admin Console.
  4. Make a copy of the tab you want to use as a model for the new tab. Make sure the tab you copy from has the same Details page layout you want to display in the new tab. You probably want to copy from a tab with only one Task Item. Name the new tab Organizational Chart or Org Chart or something similar.
  5. After you create the new tab, click Task Items and select the new tab.
  6. Rename the Task Item in the new tab something like Org Chart.
  7. In the Search Console, perform a search to locate the user you want to display on the new tab. Drill down to the Details page for the user.
  8. In the Details page view, copy the URL from the browser so you can grab some values from the URL. Paste the URL into a text editor like Notepad.
  9. The URL will have a form like http://yourserver:8100/Default.aspx?T%E2%80%A6%E2%80%A6. You want to grab the BindPath portion of the URL.
  10. Copy the value after “&BindPath=” to the next “&” character (without the “” quotation marks). This will typically be the end of the URL but, depending on your configuration, this could be different. The BindPath value you have now will serve the basis for loading your Org Chart task item.
  11. Navigate to the Admin Console again and ensure the Org Chart task item is selected.
  12. Paste the value for BindPath into the BindPath value under Advanced Task Item Arguments.
  13. Save the changes to the task item.
  14. Now select the Search page under the task item and uncheck the Show Page checkbox. We’re configuring the task item to show the Details page first for the task item by hiding this page. Save the page changes.
  15. Select the Summary Results page under the task item and uncheck the Show Page checkbox like you did for the Search page. Save the page changes.
  16. Now that the Details page is the first one set to show in the configuration, go to the Search Console and reload it.
  17. You should see the new tab. Click it and ensure the tab loads with the Details information for your target user.
  18. If there are issues, make sure that both the Search and Summary pages are set to not show and that the BindPath argument is correct.
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