Edit a multi-valued attribute as a single-valued attribute in PeopleUpdate

Edit a multi-valued attribute as a single-valued attribute in PeopleUpdate

You might want to show a multi-valued editable attribute in Active Directory as a single edit box instead of multiple boxes with an Add button. Use the information below to set this up.

PeopleUpdate queries the Active Directory schema for each attribute to determine whether an attribute can store single or multiple values. Depending on whether the attribute is single- or multi-valued, PeopleUpdate will show an appropriate editing interface on the Edit page. However, there are times you might want to only show a single-valued edit interface for multi-valued attributes.

To show a single-valued edit interface for a multi-valued attribute:

  1. Using an XML editor, open the LdapMapping.xml file in the application configuration directory, typically located at C:\Program Files\WebActiveDirectory (for versions prior to v3.4 SR #1) or %Program Files%\WebActiveDirectory\PeopleUpdate (for versions including v3.4 SR #1 and later). This file contains attribute mappings for LDAP attributes in Active Directory and PeopleUpdate uses the mappings to query the AD schema and determine if each value is single- or multi-valued. You should create a backup copy of this file before making modifications in case something goes wrong and you need to restore the backup copy.
  2. Look for the LDAP attribute element that you want to change. The element you want to manipulate depends on your need and the attribute should be looked up by its ldapDisplayName. An example looks like this:   <ldapAttribute ldapDisplayName=”otherTelephone” ldapName=”Phone-Office-Other” />
  3. Remove the element from the file by deleting it.
  4. Save the changes to the configuration file.
  5. Navigate to a PeopleUpdate Edit page that has the attribute and ensure the attribute is rendered with an edit display mode for a single-valued attribute.
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