Improve Search Performance for Large Sets of Results in PeopleUpdate

Improve Search Performance for Large Sets of Results in PeopleUpdate

here might be instances where a query in your AD returns a large number of results over 1000. In this case it’s beneficial to use the paging feature when retrieving search results from the directory. Active Directory enforces a standard number of results from a non-paged query (typically 1000) as well as a time limit so using paged results helps with this situation.

Configure Paging

  1. Go to the PeopleUpdate Admin Console.
  2. Navigate to the Directory configuration page for the tab you’re managing.
  3. Set the Search Page Size and Search Page Time Limit parameters. 500 is a good value for the Search Page Size and you can leave the time limit at -1 to use an indefinite time limit.
  4. Save the changes

Try your query again to see if it works faster and more efficiently to pull back large numbers of results.

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