Change the language for PeopleUpdate

Change the language for PeopleUpdate

You can localize most of the PeopleUpdate Search Console to any language you need but the Admin Console is only available in English. We only ship an English version of PeopleUpdate and you will need to perform the localization yourself since we don’t provide localization files in other languages.

You can localize PeopleUpdate with different languages for each tab if you need. PeopleUpdate reads a localization file for either the entire application or on a tab-by-tab basis, depending on how you configure PeopleUpdate.

Setting a Global Localization File

You can change the Localization File Path value on the Branding administration page. This value sets the file path to the global localization file to use for the entire application. The localization file acts as the default global localization file and individual tabs can still have their own localization files. Tab-level localization files override the global localization file.

Setting a Tab Localization File

You can override the global localization with a tab-level localization. You might want to use this feature if you are a multi-national corporation operating offices in locations that speak multiple languages. You can then expose PeopleUpdate to each office in their native language and consolidate administration to one PeopleUpdate instance instead of managing multiple application distributions.

If you do not set a localization file or if the file cannot be located for the tab then the tab will use the global localization file. If there is no global localization file available then the tab (and entire application) will use the default language implementation.

To localize a tab:

1.Navigate to the Administration Console’s Tabs page.

2.Click Edit next to the tab you want to localize.

3.Enter the path to the localization file to use for the tab. You can enter the path as a local file path, a UNC path or an HTTP path. Basically, if the path is accessible by the web server then it should be valid.

4.Click Save to save the changes to the tab.

Creating a New Localization File

The PeopleUpdate Configuration directory (typically located at %Program Files%\WebActiveDirectory\PeopleUpdate\Configuration) contains a template you can use for localization, WebADLocalizationTemplate.xml. You can make a copy of this file and rename it to add localization for the Search Console in different languages. You can then set the global localization or tab-level localization to use the new file.

Editing a Localization File to Change Language Values

You can either edit the default localization file, WebADLocalizationTemplate.xml, or use a copy of the file for your localization. This file is located in the PeopleUpdate Configuration directory typically located at %Program Files%\WebActiveDirectory\PeopleUpdate\Configuration.

Once you have your localization file ready, you can update the values in the file, including updating CDATA sections, to localize the Search Console to your language. The controlId value tells you which Search Console element the localization file modifies and you need to make sure you only change the text of the element in between the opening and closing elements. Otherwise the localization values cannot be properly read by PeopleUpdate.

So, If I want PeopleUpdate to correctly read the translations for the Search tab, Have I to put a link to the new language file that only includes modifications on the following XML statements? That allow me to have one language XML file on every tab, is it right?
Each XML file can represent a different localization language. If you need to support multiple languages then you need to create multiple XML files–one for each language–and then you can change each file’s messages to the language you desire.

If you want to change the entire search console to one language across all tabs, you only need to set the localization file path in the Global Branding configuration. If you need multiple languages, you will need to set the individual files at the Tab configuration level. Two or more tabs can use the same localization XML file, too.To actually change the text for a control, just find the control you want to change (typically you’ll want to change them all) and edit the text area surrounded by the or element. Make sure not to change anything in the element itself.

In CDATA sections, you can use full HTML to render your message. In this case, just make sure to put your HTML in between the opening <!CDATA[ tag and closing ]]> tag.

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